What are the advantages of porcelain laminate veneers?

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

With a minimal intervention, a healthy and natural appearance can be achieved in a very short time.

They are produced from durable, discoloration resistant, and long-lasting materials.

It is possible for your teeth to have esthetical qualities that you want without any structural defects with only laminate. Either there is no modification made on the teeth or more excellent results can be obtained with little intervention. The layer lifted from the teeth is limited between 0.3 – 0.5 mm. Hence, there will be no need for any teeth to be cut (made smaller).

A design can be made on your teeth with which you are not pleased by copying your natural teeth. In other words, we can show you the possible change before we perform any implementation.

Because its porcelain surface is highly smooth, it decreases the possibility of plaque accumulation and stains due to smoking etc. to minimum. It does not become discoloured due to external factors such as coffee, tea and cigarettes. It is highly resistant to corrosion. Porcelain laminate veneers are one of the most popular and preferred treatment options in cosmetic dentistry.

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