
A crown is recommended in two situations:

- the tooth is damaged (broken, cavity, discoloured, misshaped), but otherwise healthy. The remaining natural tooth is used as a support for the crown, which completely caps what remains of the tooth. The crown is fixed using dental cement.
- in the absence of a natural tooth, a crown will be placed over an implant.

PROS: Universally recognised as beneficial to dental health.

CONS: The procedure and materials can be relatively expensive.

AFTER: Brush your teeth carefully, avoid biting really hard stuff, and follow your doctor's advice.

RISKS: There is no specific risk attached to this procedure. Just bear in mind that any surgical intervention can have undesirable side effects (pain, infection,...). Such an occurrence is unpredictable, and varies from patient to patient.

LIMITATIONS: In the case of dental restoration: none. If you need an implant, the bone density factor is important. Refer to the implant section.

MISC: Choose the colour carefully, so it matches the natural hue of your teeth.

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